Friday, May 21, 2010

A Relationship...

I have gotten REALLY bad at updating my blog lately...So sorry! It's about time I let you all know about something that has been going on since January...

I don't know if any of you remember me my blog entry back in January telling about my time in Santa Cruz...I mentioned spending some time with the Guzmán family. I am very good friends with Ruth (Mrs. Guzmán), but I can't say I really knew her three sons. During this visit I started getting to know Adolfo Jr. (the oldest son). I had always gotten the impression he was this very serious man, but, as I got to know him, I discovered he has quite the sense of humor, and I started to discover other qualities I really liked...

When I came back to La Paz, I didn't think it very likely anything could happen between us with us living so far away from each other (16 hour bus drive!) Well...he started calling me occasionally, and we would often chat.

Then Adolfo started talking about coming to La Paz to help my parents with some paperwork they have been having trouble with. He finally came at the end of March and ended up spending over two weeks! We got to hang out every day, and it was a good opportunity to get to know each other even more.

I went to see Adolfo off at the airport, and there, in the twenty minutes we had before he had to go through security, he told me that he was seriously interested in me. I told him I was interested too.

Since then he called to talk to my dad about us starting a serious relationship. He also made another trip out here to discuss some things with my dad in person, and now we've decided to go ahead and officially say we're "in a relationship."

This is my first time to be "in a relationship." Amazingly enough (especially considering he's 31), this is Adolfo's first time as well!!! Everything is very new to us, and sometimes I find myself frieking out. Things are a mixture of exciting and scary! I would greatly appreciate all your prayers for God's clear guidance in our relationship.

This is a time of big "firsts" for our family. My brother Jonathan just recently got engaged and the wedding is being planned for the 4th of September! This means I should be heading up to the Sates (Michigan) for the wedding!