Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No Place Like Home!

Last week I ended my time at the centre, and my parents and Elisa were able to help transport me and my stuff to their apartment in La Paz. It has been wonderful to be with my family, and I feel like God brought me home at this time to be a support to my parents. My dad was swamped with work, and put me to work as his "secretary" preparing some outlines for a series on Romans he is doing this week, working on power point presentations, and grading his seminary students' exams. My mom is especially stressed right now with her sister in a coma back in Canada and really serious problems in the prison where she does ministry. I think she has enjoyed having a listening ear and someone who can prepare meals when she is away for the day at the prison.

This past weekend my dad and I made the 7-8 hour trip to Potosi (the city where I grew up). We are spending the week here. My dad is giving a series on the book of Romans. I am renewing my Bolivian driver's license and catching up with old friends.

I cannot come back to Potosi without feeling a lot of nostalgia! I always love being at home in our little apartment, tucked away in the corner of a plaza in the middle of downtown. The orange building on the right (in the above picture) is the Christian bookstore, and our apartment is on the second floor.

-Time with family.
-A safe trip to Potosi.
-Getting to see and spend time with old friends.

-Please pray that God would restore peace to the Prison of Chonchocoro where my mom does ministry and pray that my mom would rest in the Lord during this stressful time. There has already been some bloodshed and there is talk of more.
-Please pray for my Auntie Jewel who has had a stroke and is now in a coma.
-Last week I meant to mention the opportunity I had to share the gospel with the sister of one of my girls at the centre (Marianela's sister, Anaelia). She seems to be disillusioned with the Catholic church and seeking. She has been getting together with Jehovah Witnesses. Please pray that she would not be deceived by the enemy and that the seed, which was planted would bear fruit in her life and that Anaelia would come to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
-Please pray for clear guidance for next year.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Birthdays n' Goodbyes

So much has happened in the last week, it is hard to process!!! Last Tuesday was Jhesica's 11th birthday. I went into Quillacollo and managed to find a cake with red (Jhesica's favourite colour) icing! It was quite the ordeal carrying a cake on the crowded "mini bus" (more like a van). I was praying the whole way that I would get the cake safely to the centre! Thankfully I got away with only a small bit of icing being brushed off by the lady next to me.

In the afternoon there was much excitement as we set the table and brought out the cake, coke (a favourite drink with the girls), and "rollo de queso" (a kind of cheese roll). We enjoyed our birthday "feast," and, most importantly of all, Jhesica seemed very happy! (Can you tell by the smile on her face in the first picture?)

On Saturday we had the closing ceremony where there were awards given and everything was wrapped up for the school year. The centre was a busy place with parents arriving for the ceremony and then preparing to take their children home. Of the girls, Jhesica was the only one to leave that day with her family.

Sunday was a cold rainy day, so the girls spent the day indoors, and I started working on my packing after our Sunday morning meeting.

On Monday my parents and sister, Elisa, arrived from La Paz around midday. We took the three orphans (Anahi, Manuela, and Sonia) as well as Mercedes into town to Burger King. We were celebrating Sonia's 17th birthday. It was quite the experience! Sonia didn't even seem to know how to eat a burger or an ice cream cone. I ended up juggling a melting ice cream cone (which I was trying to feed Sonia), napkins (to wipe away the ice cream that kept getting on her face), and toilet paper (to wipe her runny nose). What a mess! Then there was Manuela, sitting on my other side, barely able to eat her burger because of laughing so hard! She always laughs when she is extremely happy!

From Burger King we took the girls back to the centre and picked up my stuff. Then it was time to say some heartbreaking goodbyes. There was tears and there was a lot of bawling on Manuela's part. It was heart-wrenching to hear Manuela's wails as I headed out the door. It was overcast and raining, adding to the melancholy of the moment. As we drove away, I lifted up Manuela in prayer, asking God to somehow put His arms around her and comfort her.

-God answered my prayers and my time at the centre ended well.
-Special birthday celebrations!
-My parents and sister were able and willing to come and help me pick up my stuff!

-That God would be comforting the girls--especially Manuela and Sonia who have no family and will be staying at the centre for the whole summer vacation (remember we are in the southern hemisphere!)
-That I would be using my time wisely.
-For clear guidance for plans for next year (more on that in my next blog entry).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Check out the Centre

I thought it was about time I put up some pictures of the actual centre, so you all can picture where it is I have been living for the last few months. I was just showing these pictures to some friends this past weekend, and they were surprised at how nice the centre seems. Although it' s true that we have beautiful large grounds, etc., pictures can be deceiving, and sadly on closer inspection things are very run down and dirty.

Picture # 1: The entrance to the "Centro Cristiano Para Sordos" (The Christian Centre for the Deaf).
Picture # 2: A picture of the dining hall. The palm tree reminds me that I am living in a semi-tropical location.
Picture # 3: Looking out from the dining hall towards the class rooms (building far left), the offices (straight ahead), and another random building (on the right).
Picture # 4: The girls' dorm building and the park.
Picture # 5: The common area inside the dorm. This is a typical picture of what it looks like in the afternoons. Anahi is sitting on the couch knitting and talking to Mercedes. Manuela is sitting in the armchair grinning. Jhesica is walking around with the cat from upstairs, "Dukesa," and Irlanda, Marianela, and Melvi are at the table working on homework.

The Final Stretch

It's hard to believe that by this time next week my time at the centre should be over. Things are picking up speed as the end draws near. Today is Jhesica's 11th birthday, and I plan on going into Quillacollo to buy her a cake for a little tea party this afternoon, which will be a nice break from all the busyness of homework and exams.

On Saturday we have the closing ceremony and parents will be coming to pick up their children and get a report on this past year.


-The girls are getting better from their colds and God has kept me healthy in the midst of all the sickness.
-A special weekend with friends in Cochabamba.
-E-mails and facebook messages from friends!
-Time is not dragging by as much.
-The girls from the lower grades have been doing well in their exams.

Prayer Requests:

-I have to teach the lesson at the Thursday evening meeting. Please pray that God would give me a lesson to share and that He would speak through me despite my limitations in sign language.
-Please pray for the love, joy, strength, patience, and wisdom to finish off my time well.
-Please pray for the girls in the higher grades who still have exams that they would be diligent in their studies, do well, and pass.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meet Monica...

This week I have a temporary addition to my family. Monica is 18 years old. She lives in the nearby town of Quillacollo with her mom (I understand her parents are separated). At one point she lived at the centre, but because of lack of funds she had to go live with her mom. Monica is in seventh grade. The threesome I have previously mentioned is actually a foursome, with Monica being the fourth member. Every day she meets Irlanda, Melvi, Marianela, and their interpreter at the nearby public school they attend. She then joins us for lunch at the centre (which is how I know her), spends the afternoon doing homework with Cecilia (the interpreter), and then goes home. Monica's mom is away on a trip this week, so she is living temporarily in the dorm, and my family of nine girls has gone up to ten!

Because I haven't spent much time with Monica, I can't tell you a lot about her but that she is very sweet. She always greets me in the dining hall and then comes to give me a kiss goodbye before leaving.

Pleasant Plazas

In addition to a picture with Monica, I have included some other pictures. As I have free time in the mornings while the girls are in school, I have found different ways to keep myself busy. One feature I love about cities/towns in Latin America is the plazas. Several weeks ago, I discovered the nearby plaza here in Vinto. I love the walk to get there, which is along the train tracks (second picture). One of the aspects I love about this particular plaza (third picture) is that it is usually quite quiet with few people milling about, so I can always find an empty bench (fourth picture) on which to sit for a good while with a good book and chocolate (utter bliss!).
-Monica's life.
-Vinto's plaza.
-We just had a long weekend for all-saints day (Boliva is a Catholic country), and I had to work. On the Monday I was able to take the few girls who stayed for the weekend out for the day to my friend's grandma's house in the nearby town of Quillacollo. We had a very special day, and I think it did the girls good to be able to get away from the centre for a bit.
Prayer Requests:
-Please pray for the spiritual salvation of Monica's family and for extra grace for her with the pain of her parents separation, etc.
-I have less than two weeks left here at the centre. Please pray for extra grace, love, patience, and wisdom to finish off my time well.
-Please pray for the girls as they are entering exams to be able to finish off the school year well.